Signs that You Need to Seek Medical Help

Shoulder pain can be indicative of various underlying issues, and certain signs warrant prompt medical attention. If you experience any of the following, seeking medical help is crucial:

  1. Intense, Sharp, or Shooting Pain: Severe and sudden pain could be a sign of an acute injury or other medical conditions that require immediate assessment.
  2. Inability to Move the Shoulder or Arm: Difficulty in raising, rotating, or moving the arm may indicate significant joint or muscle involvement.
  3. Swelling, Bruising, or Deformity around the Joint: These signs may point to an acute injury, fracture, or dislocation that needs urgent medical evaluation.
  4. Pain That Persists for More Than a Few Days: If the shoulder pain lingers beyond a few days and doesn't improve with rest or home remedies, it requires professional assessment.
  5. Gradual Loss of Shoulder Mobility: A progressive decrease in the range of motion can be a symptom of conditions like frozen shoulder.
  6. Pain That Worsens at Night or Interrupts Sleep: Persistent shoulder pain that interferes with sleep and daily activities should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.
  7. Signs of Infection: Redness, warmth, swelling, or fever around the shoulder joint may indicate an infection that requires immediate medical attention.
  8. Shoulder Pain Following an Injury or Fall: Even if the pain seems mild initially, any shoulder pain after an injury should be assessed to rule out internal damage.

Ignoring these signs may lead to further complications and prolonged discomfort. Consulting a healthcare professional can help diagnose the issue and initiate appropriate treatment. Relief Now Laser Gaithersburg offers advanced Class IV laser therapy to alleviate shoulder pain and address the underlying causes effectively.

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