Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be attributed to various factors, and understanding the common causes can aid in effective treatment and prevention strategies. Some prevalent causes of shoulder pain include:

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint. Injuries, such as tears or strains, can occur due to repetitive movements, sports-related activities, or accidents.
  2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis): This condition causes stiffness and reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint. It often develops gradually and can be linked to prolonged immobility or certain medical conditions.
  3. Tendinitis or Bursitis: Overuse or repetitive motions can lead to inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) or bursae (bursitis) surrounding the shoulder joint, resulting in pain and discomfort.
  4. Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis can affect the shoulder joint, leading to chronic pain, swelling, and reduced mobility.
  5. Fractures or Dislocations: Traumatic events, such as falls or accidents, may cause fractures or dislocations in the bones of the shoulder, resulting in intense pain and instability.
  6. Overuse or Repetitive Strain Injuries: Engaging in repetitive activities or lifting heavy objects improperly can strain the shoulder muscles, leading to pain and potential injuries.
  7. Nerve Impingement or Pinched Nerves: Compression of nerves in the shoulder region can cause radiating pain, tingling, or numbness down the arm.
  8. Referred Pain from Neck or Upper Back Issues: Conditions affecting the neck or upper back, such as cervical spine problems, can manifest as shoulder pain.
  9. Torn Cartilage (Labral Tears): The labrum is a ring of cartilage surrounding the shoulder socket. Tears in the labrum can result from acute injuries or repetitive motions, causing pain and instability.

If you experience persistent or severe shoulder pain, it is essential to seek medical evaluation to identify the root cause and determine the best course of action.

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